As our expert LinkedIn Group predicted, iBeacons are "really happening" and are not "a hype." And this predication was made before American Eagle, Apple, Macy's launched their iBeacon-compatible apps in Nov and Dec of 2013. Companies surveyed and interviewed include Estimote, Radius Networks, Qualcomm, and many more! Find out which iBeacons hardware have been certified by Apple and approved by the FCC! Also, see all the startups developing mobile commerce and proximity marketing platforms around iBeacons. Do you think Facebook and Google will get into iBeacons too? (hint: Facebook already sells WiFi modules to businesses for location check-in purposes.)
Interested in a free sample? We have published this iBeacons Market Report brief. Download the PDF for free by clicking here.
Table of Contents
1. Intro
iBeacons and Indoor Mapping
Verticals and Applications
Consumer Privacy - NRF, Privacy Forum
Current Deployments, Testbeds, Trials with iBeacons
Hype or Really Happening - Survey from Industry Experts
**Which iBeacons have been certified by Apple and approved by the FCC**
iBeacons Pricing & Cost from Vendors
2. BLE
What is Bluetooth Low Energy
iBeacons and iBeacon API
Context-aware Apps with iBeacon
Cost vs ROI
Apple Strategy
Indoor Location, Mapping & Navigation
Mobile Payments
BLE: iOS vs Android vs Windows
3. Companies - 57 Companies Featured (Surveyed, Interviewed)
3.1 Company #1
3.81 Company #81