Navteq's Silicon Valley LBS Developer Day: Focus on the Indoor
IndoorLBS kicked off the event and got everyone excited about the great indoors – the new frontier in mapping and navigation. Tristian provided insights into the growth and the opportunity for programs such as advertising, affinity, asset and inventory management, and loyalty inside malls, retail stores, and airports. Attendees learnt about the growing opportunity as consumers and businesses embrace a holistic experience to navigate and explore interior spaces.
Wireless Communications Alliance LBS SIG in Silicon Valley, Qualcomm
Tristian outlined the indoor maps and micro-location players and addressed the current state - silos and fragmentation, and mentioned options the industry is taking to enable innovation and mass adoption of "indoor navigation" apps. A recent television commercial bemoaned the fact that "there are no more frontiers". Such is not the case in mapping and indoor location applications: the untamed frontier still lies before us. It is estimated that North Americans spend as much as 90% of their time indoors. Yet nearly 100% of the mapping and location applications are built for outdoor use. As new technologies become available for indoor location and mapping providers begin to commercialize their systems, the dawn of the indoor location application is here.