Indoor location is poised to be the next hot mobile service with its ability to enable indoor maps, wayfinding inside a venue, targeted mobile offers, product search inside a store, and locating your lost child inside a mall. This latest Indoor Location Market Research Report (Jan 2012 release) outlines 120 companies competing, consolidating, and aligning with each other. Indoor location offers too many advantages for mobile technology companies to pass up.
Since 2003, IndoorLBS, LLC has been monitoring and evaluating the Location-Based Services industry, specifically the convergence of positioning technologies like WiFi, Bluetooth, RFID/NFC, and MEMS as alternative or complimentary positioning technologies to GPS. In 2006, produced the groundbreaking book on indoor LBS, Local Positioning Systems: LBS Applications and Services.
This report version is a result of the continued activity in the indoor LBS industry. While some companies have given way to the constantly evolving market others have found their footing and are beginning to also develop a stride. A few interesting events overall in the market are also in play and jockeying for position. Specifically, retailers are at a point where they must decide what will be their approach in the LBS space. Will they hire or outsource an indoor location solution and likewise a marketing strategy or will they create their own? In both instances the indoor LBS space is not being ignored, as critics like to disregard. In fact, retail companies are actually stumbling upon the ‘hidden’ treasure of indoor location out of necessity to update their customers ‘need’ for WiFi at their venue. Others are adding indoor location into their marketing strategies and budgets. While still other retailers are trying to understand and become aware of the benefit of utilizing indoor location for what they do and to compete with the likes of Amazon
What is also compelling is how larger and much more adept power players in the technology space are ‘allowing’ for companies to provide their vital wi-fi access points of their indoor space in order to create a geo-referenced indoor map. Thus, effectively capitalizing on future potential revenue from advertising and leveraging the lack awareness of the general small business owner to create an entire indoor network which would be ripe for the taking in advertising space.
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