If you're going to CES this year, make sure to see indoor location demos by CSR, Broadcom, Qualcomm, Point Inside, VisioGlobe, Nokia, Micello, and others. Also expect apps that will show you indoor venue map of the CES convention center marked where each CES exhibitor is located and with real-time indoor location showing you where you are so you can navigate indoors at more ease this year!
With Google's entry into indoor mapping and indoor location, traditional retail stores like Sears, Macy's, Home Depot, etc can start delivering engaging and customized offers and loyalty rewards based on customers being in the physical store, not on the web like Amazon. Even more, with apps like aisle411, consumers can create shopping lists at home and then easily find the products inside the store while getting additional coupons and offers in exchange for being physically present in the store.
If you need more info on where and when these demos will take place, email Tristian at tristian@indoorlbs.com
See you in Vegas!